We are Udyog Aadhaar Registration Consultants in Malappuram
Mostly all the domains comes under the Udyog adhar registration, in simply terms Now MSME Registration has been converted into the Udyog Aadhar Registration. Its a simply one page self certificate registration.
So anyone business can register but the problem you can'nt run the legal enitty with this certification because banks are not open a current bank account on this certification basis.
They required other registration certificate which is required documents verification by the govt department.
It's need just only the Adhar Card Number and any type of the business get the Self Certification. so if you have already anothe registration like service tax or VAT/CST or shop act license then you can apply for the udyog adhar as a MSME Benefits.
Small and medium small industries want to start any business; they need to do the registration with MSME. This registration with MSME can be done in two ways i.e. one is online and other one is offline. This facility is called Udyog Aadhar. This Aadhaar is a 12 digit number. The reason to launch this Aadhar is to provide maximum benefits to the small and medium scale industries, who are registered with MSME through this Aadhar number.
Those industries who are registered with Udyog Aadhar will be getting the benefits of all Government schemes like easy loan, subsidies etc.
Registration Process:
1. To do the registration the small and medium scale industry owner has to fill a single form which he can do online as well as offline.
2. If a person wants to do registration for more than one industry then also he/she can do individual registration.
3. To do the registration he/she has to fill a single form which is available at website. Which is listed below.
- The document required for the registration is Personal Aadhar number, Industry name, Address, bank account details and some common information.
- In this the person can provide self-certified certificates.
- There is no registration fees required for this process.
- Once the detail filled and upload you would be getting the registration number.
Mostly all the domains comes under the Udyog adhar registration, in simply terms Now MSME Registration has been converted into the Udyog Aadhar Registration. Its a simply one page self certificate registration.
So anyone business can register but the problem you can't run the legal enitty with this certification because banks are not open a current bank account on this certification basis.
They required other registration certificate which is required documents verification by the govt department.
It's need just only the Adhar Card Number and any type of the business get the Self Certification. so if you have already anothe registration like service tax or VAT/CST or shop act license then you can apply for the udyog adhar as a MSME Benefits.
The process of getting MSME or SSI Registration has been simplified by the introduction of Udyog Aadhaar MSME in India. Prior to applying for MSME registration entrepreneurs need to apply with two different form with two separate fillings. Those are (Entrepreneurs Memorandum) EM Part-1 and EM Part-2. The manual procedure is ridden with several challenges and is not considered investor or entrepreneurs friendly. On account of the cumbersome procedure and since the filling of EM is not mandatory, many MSMEs have not registered themselves and are outside the scope of services time to time offered by the Government.
The online Udyog Aadhaar registration process has been created with an aim to encourage online filing of Entrepreneurs Memorandum (also known as MSME registration) for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The online Udyog Aadhaar registration process will simplify the registration process with an online and simple one page registration form. In the form, the MSME will self certify its existence, bank account, business activity details, employment and ownership details and other information.
Documents Required For Udyog Aadhaar MSME Registration
Aadhaar Number: 12 digits Aadhaar number issued to the applicant.
Name of Owner: The applicant name as mentioned on the Aadhaar Card issued by UIDAI.
Social Category: General / Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / Other Backward Castes (with proof).
Name of Enterprise: Name of the legal entity to conduct business. One applicant can have more than one enterprises doing business and each one can be registered for a separate Udyog Aadhaar and with the same Aadhaar Number.
Type of Organization: Type of Business entity or Legal Entity. (Proprietorship, Partnership Firm, Hindu Undivided Family, Private Limited Company, Co-Operative, Public Limited Company, Self Help Group, LLP, Others)
Postal Address: Address of the business including mobile and email address.
Date of Commencement: The date on which businesses was started.
Previous Registration Details: Details of previous MSME registration, if applicable should be entered here.
Bank Details: Details of the bank account of the company including IFSC Code and Bank Account number.
Major Activity: Major area of activity of the business - manufacturing or service.
NIC Code: The appropriate NIC Code should be entered from the National Industrial Classification (NIC) handbook.
The person employed: The total number of people employed in the business.
Investment in Plant & Machinery / Equipment: Amount of money invested in terms of machinery and equipment by the business.
DIC: Details of the District Industry Center nearest to the business, if required.
Option for Registration Without Aadhaar.
"In cases where Individuals do not have Aadhaar Number and till the time Aadhaar is assigned to the individual, UAM registration on offline mode should be done through District Industries Center (DIC) or to the Office of the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise - Development Institute (MSME-DI) under the Development Commissioner, MSME or regional offices of NSIC( for NER States), subject to the production of the following documents as alternative and viable means of identification.
(a) (i) if he has enrolled, his Aadhaar Enrolment ID slip; or
(ii) a copy of his request made for Aadhaar enrolment, and
(b) any of the following documents, namely:-
Bank photo passbook; or voter ID Card; ration card; or Kishan Photo Passbook; or passport; or driving license; or PAN card ; or MGNREGS job card; or employee photo identity card issued by the Government or the Public sector undertakings; or any other photo identity card issued by State Government or Union Territory Administration; or certificate of identity with photograph issued by any gazetted officer in his official letterhead; or any other document specified by the State Government or Union Territory Administration."